Last present last present last present!
Before you can pick it up, the box starts to shake violently.
"EEEK!" you say and run inside, slamming the door.

There is a KABOOM! and you open the door, finding....

What the hell?

Where's the present?

There's nothing here!

What a krappy birthday (with a kapital k)

.... Wait a second....

There's a bit of paper on the ground. It says:

Ok I’ ve been putting this off long enough, and I know it's what you really want…

So, umm, yeah… please accept this as an ‘addmittance of my talents’ or whatever. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AGREE WITH YOU! It simply means I really appreciate all the nice things that you have said to me… and for just being a nice person.

So happy birthday! With much gwap-ness from emma.

So, umm,